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Updating your touchscreen

Depending how your touchscreen is setup there are various way of updating it. If the touchscreen is not updated frequently then Logos Flow will facilitate any updating. We can do backups, archive previous editions, and do various tests prior to supplying an update.

We can facilitate updates by making download files available and then assist you to install. Sometimes this is a simple as running a single setup file or a little more complicated where various files require updating.

If you would like to update more frequently then a process similar to what follows is required. This usually involves maintaining a database such as HumanitiesCMD or ResourceMD, then exporting to a data file which is updated on a touchscreen computer.

  • Data is exported to a seperate data file from the HumanitiesCMD or ResourceMD.
  • The data file includes specific fields that appear on the touchscreen site, i.e. producer name, date, biography, item title, item type, etc.
  • The data file also includes the actual records you choose to appear on the touchscreen site. There might be certain records you do not want to appear.
  • Depending how the touchscreen site is setup you will also be able to select highlighted items that you would like to draw attention to such as latest items acquired. This is done by using the new Filters field and using specific terms which the touchscreen looks for when loading a 'highlights' page for example.
  • There may also be a number of 'filters' used on the touchscreen site such as filtering on specific locations, collections, types, etc.
  • Normally, a touchscreen site will have images associated with the items. These will also need to be updated on the touchscreen computer.

Essentailly, the updated data needs to integrate with the touchscreen site and a process put in place in case there is a problem so you can roll back. This avoids any downtime while the problem is sorted out. Logos Flow will liaise with you about the best way to update your touchscreens.

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