Using Quick Search to locate information and limit records to specific information.
To activate this option: first click on the field you would like to find / filter information, then click this button on the bottom right of the form.
Finding information
The Quick Search above is going to find information according to the term(s) you enter. In this example, it would search on the Name field.
Enter the text to find in the space provided, then click the Find button to go to the first occurance.
To find the next occurance of the text, click the Find next button (has the arrow).
The Results display area will display the current record number in blue text. If there are no other matching records then the Results display area text simply turns red.
Note: if the Current field only box is ticked then only the current field is searched - if it is unticked, then all the fields in a record are searched.
Filtering information
Click the Filter tab.
Enter the text to filter on in the space provided, then click the Filter button.
The Results display area which will display the number of records that match the text you entered.
To limit the records to the number of records that match the text you entered: click the View results button.
The example below shows you there are 6 records with the term 'mountain' in the Item title field.
Once you have done a filter on the records on your database, click the Show all button to remove the filter. This will show you all the records again. Note: if the Show all button is disabled, then all the records are being displayed.
New term
Tab: these buttons let you navigate through the pages of a form. This example has Details and Address tabs.