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ContactMDâ„¢ latest upgrade

Logos Flowâ„¢ is proud to announce the latest version of the ContactMDâ„¢ - version 8.0!

Firstly, we would like to express a sincere thanks to all the clients who use this product and have supported it over the years. Your suggestions are always appreciated and many of them have gone into the version 8.0 upgrade.

The ContactMDâ„¢ has been on the market for a number of years and the client-base is growing steadily. In the light of this, and other growth areas, we have introduced online client relations software to improve the service, delivery and communication with you. To access this, go to the Logos Flowâ„¢ website and click Login. Note: you will need a username and password - please contact us if you require one. You will be able to download version 8.0 via this service.

ContactMDâ„¢ version 8.0 has undergone a number of changes. Below are all the details:

Associated people

This component is used to store all names of people associated with a contact. This could be people associated with a company, organisation, etc., or it could be members of a family. For example: if you have an organisation's address recorded and you would like to associate 20 employees - you simply associate these to the one address. This way you do not have to create 20 extra address entries.

In version 8.0, you have two new options:

  • Quick look-up list to view all people associated. You can also jump directly to a person from this new list.
  • To move an associated person is very simply now - you can look-up a person or organisation from the main Contact component. Ideal, if someone is moving from one organisation to another, you simply look-up the new organisation from the list to move them. All their related information is automatically transferred.


This is a new component that is use to track any Activities that may, or may not, relate to you. Activities can be courses, conferences, lectures, training programmes, social events, etc. Apart from recording details of an activity, you can add dates, fees / costs due, special notes, etc. You can also track costs - whether paid or unpaid - across one activity and see a running total. All the people related to an activity can be selected for printing / exporting purposes, i.e. you need to create mailing labels for everyone attending a particular activity.


This is a new utility that serves a number of useful functions. Think of it as a working area where you can paste information, i.e. contact details in an email message: you can interact with this Capture utility to copy and paste into your contact details. It can also be used to gather information from your database to copy and paste elsewhere.

Selecting records

Previous versions of the ContactMDâ„¢ offered you the option of selecting records for printing and exporting purposes. Essentially this let you choose, or tag, records to use for printing and exporting. The limitation was you could only select one set of records and could not add to records already selected. With the version 8.0 you choose whether to make a new selection or keep on adding to records you have already selected. This offers you unlimited choices in selecting what to print and export.

If this is used in combination with the new data merging feature, you can not only choose what, but how, to display your information. You can also choose to select all the records in the database as well.

Create your own reports

Although there are a variety of print and export options, these are limited in what is displayed and how it is displayed. With the new verison and the new merging feature, you can choose not only what to display but how it is displayed. Merging functions with any product with merging options, for example: Microsoft® Word. Utilising this new feature is not difficult but you will need to know how to merge with data. We will be posting more information on this website along with examples.

ContactMDâ„¢ new look-and-feel

Version 8.0 now has a new branding generic to all Logos Flowâ„¢ off-line products. Making use of various techniques to enter and view information much clearer ways. There are also more explanatory notes to guide you through various processes.

Online help and support

As you are probably aware, all support manuals are now placed on the Logos Flowâ„¢ website - a centralised service where everyone sees the latest help and support. To access you will need Login details. The links are built into the ContactMDâ„¢

Export to the Internet

Placing your information on the Internet is becoming more and more popular and the Online version of the ContactMDâ„¢ has been available for a number of years. In version 8.0, the data that is exported has been enhanced to allow for more options when available on the website, especially when searching the information. There is a PDF download available that explains how you can update your website yourself : click here to download - format: PDF, file size: 36kb.

Advanced filtering options

The View menu option now has a vast number of advanced filtering options. This is an important development due to users requiring indepth options of retrieving information. We will be posting more information on this website about advanced filtering – you are welcome to contact us for further details in the meantime. However, for the advanced users, there are a variety of ways in which you can display your results such as freezing columns, moving columns, changing fonts … and much more.

ContactMDâ„¢ name change

The previous Address Database is now : ContactMDâ„¢. All Logos Flowâ„¢ products have gone through a name change. For more details: click on the Off-line Products section of the website then click the FAQs option.

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