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Collection Inventory
The Collection Inventory is a spreadsheet which will assist in getting you started in capturing the documentation of your collection. As you inventory increases, you will need a proper package to effectively document or manage your collection inventory. Logos Flow suggests the HumanitiesCMD.
The Collection Inventory offers various columns to capture producer (artist, sculptor, photographer, etc.), item and management information. You can also filter data and view totals.
Click a link below and suggest you chose the Save option to save the file to your computer.
Microsoft ™ Excel (compatible Excel 2010 and later) - size: 14kb
Microsoft ™ Excel (compatible with early versions of Excel) - size: 38kb
Gallery Inventory
The Gallery Inventory is a spreadsheet which will assist in getting you started in capturing your artwork inventory. As you inventory increases, and your client liaison and research, you will need a proper package to effectively document or manage your artwork inventory. Logos Flow suggests the CollectorsMD.
The Gallery Inventory offers various columns to capture artist, artwork and management information. You can also filter data and view totals.
Click a link below and suggest you chose the Save option to save the file to your computer.
Microsoft ™ Excel (compatible Excel 2010 and later) - size: 15kb
Microsoft ™ Excel (compatible with early versions of Excel) - size: 42kb
Copyright: there are no copyright restrictions at all. You are free to use, edit and make any changes. Condition of use: Logos Flow is not responsible for any problems associated with this spreadsheet at all.