For anyone that needs to record and standardise terminology and keywords across a range of collections within an organisation.
Keeping a definitive record of all your terms and keywords in your organisation.
ThesaurusMD is essentail for standardising how terminiology is captured and assigned to items. Greatly improves how items are retrieved when a user searchs a website, touchscreen, app, ...
ThesaurusMD is ideal for any medium to large collection, or multiple collections within an organisation.
Products such as HumanitiesCMD and ResourceMD include a feature called the Generic Thesaurus. This assists in standardising terminology for a collection; however, the ThesaurusMD is designed to do the same for your whole organisation across collections.
ThesaurusMD is a stand-alone product that can be installed on any computer and networked throughout an organisation.
Full specifications
- Scope: this product is a fully relational database that captures the wide variety of information that goes into recording and managing standardised terminilogy and translations.
- Logos Flow products: the thesaurusMD has the ability to update and add terminology from within the HumanitiesCMD, ResourceMD, PhotoCMD and other database products. There is an administrative function within these products that makes the thesaurus data read-only or editable. Hence, controlling who can add / edit the terms across you whole organisation.
- Terms to use - standardised and accepted terms.
- Terms not to use - terms that cannot be used with the suggested term associated.
- Terms relating to other terms - relate terms to each other.
- Categories of terms - very useful to assign terms to a catagory.
- Scope notes that clarify terms - brief notes that clarify terms (i.e. environment could refer to a computer environment or the natural environment).
- Translations - depending on the language of your thesaurus, you can capture translations from another language, or languages.
- Term terms - a list of terms that you are working through before accepting them into the main data. Very useful if terms have been imported for you to verify.
- Rejected terms - a record of terms that have been rejected and not for inclusion into the thesaurus.
- Switchboard: this feature appears after you have entered your username / password and guides you to the main features and functionality. Over the last couple of years Logos Flow has been observing how user interact with the various database products. For new users, it is normally about adding, editing and easily finding information they have captured. For experienced users, it is about quickly locating information and performing various tasks such as networking, updating, printing, etc. The Switchboard has been upgraded to accommodate these requirements:
- Start: lets you immediately capture a new record and shows the number of records captured in the main sections. You can click to access the data or use the Quick Search feature to locate information according to the criteria you enter.
- Backups: the importance cannot be over-stated and there is now a detailed guide to backing up your data.
- Support: access the continuously updated online support directly.
- Networking: much easier access to network your database if you are using one. This feature used to be called 'Update Data Source' which was not so easy to locate - now it is easily available.
- Website: access the Logos Flow website.
- What we can do to get your project going:
- Import existing terminology from databases, documents and spreadsheets.
- Using a product called the IndexMD (see below) to work through various databases and identify unique terminology. This will save many hours of pain-staking work if you attempt it manually.
- Import existing data into the ThesaurusMD and install on your network.
- IndexMD:
- IndexMD is powerful software developed by Logos Flow used to index all the words in a database. It checks every word in the database and automatically creates a list of unique words – it also records where each word is used and how often.
- IndexMD also includes the functionality to create a list of stop words which are not captured, i.e. words like 'the', 'and', etc. Words in different languages can also be included, i.e. 'le', 'la', etc.
- IndexMD can perform, in hours, what would take months to achieve by staff – it indexes approximately 65 words a second. The list of unique words can be checked against the ThesaurusMD data – either automatically or manually by staff.
- Reports: either print thesaurus to a variety of formats.
- Exporting: a number of exporting options are available, whether you need to generate a document to be sent as an email attachment, or export the entire database to a spreadsheet ... and more.
Documentation and Management
Computerisation has dramatically changed this and most collections are either computerised or in the process of becoming so. Click here to read more about how to go about this.
Some information about types of collections, computerising, documenting, accessing, and more . . . click here