Stocktaking, or auditing, is a major undertaking for any organisation and is very time-consuming, using technical and human resources. To make this task much easier, while maintaining high standards, is to offer a system that lets you record stocktake details while viewing the item:
- record date,
- who is doing the stocktake,
- check the documentation,
- check the location,
- record any issues regaring condition,
- make any general notes.
You interact directly via your smart phone or tablet - all while you physically move through your collection. No need for written notes or time-consuming barcode prodecures. Once the process is complete the information is verified and added to the stocktake history of each item.
An added advantage, if you are overseeing a stocktake or audit, you can login at anytime and view the progress in realtime.
The Evaluation app offers an efficient way to capture an evaluation while viewing the item or while reviewing sales in their office:
- record date,
- who is doing the evaluation,
- capture the latest evaluation,
- make any evaluation notes.
You interact directly via your smart phone or tablet - all while you physically move through your collection. No need for written notes. Once the process is complete the information is imported is verified and the latest evaluation updated, including adding previous details to the evaluation history.
An added advantage, if you are overseeing the evaluation process, you can login at anytime and view the progress in realtime.
The Storage app offers lets you record any change to the permanent location of an item. Simply login via your phone or tablet and record changes while you are doing it:
- record date,
- who is changing the storage location,
- capture the new storage location,
- storage details captured are: location, building, floor, room and specific,
- make any storage notes.
You interact directly via your smart phone or tablet - all while you physically move through your collection. No need for written notes or time-consuming barcode prodecures. When verified, the permanent storage details updated, including adding previous details to the storage history.
The Movement app is different to the Storage app as it records any movement of an item but not changing it permanent storage location. For example, the item might be out on loan, gone for restoration, on exhibition, etc. Simply login via your phone or tablet and record changes while you are doing it:
- record date the item is moved and date to be returned,
- who is moving the item,
- capture the where the item is going,
- who the contact person is,
- make any movement notes.
You interact directly via your smart phone or tablet - all while you physically move through your collection. No need for written notes or time-consuming barcode prodecures. When verified, the movement details are updated.
Interact and mananage your collection via a smart phone.